Publications > Summary


Climate Change, Critical Infrastructures in Brazil and Economic Damages (Portuguese only)

The survey – carried out to subsidize the Ministry of the Environment in its work to implement the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) signed with the UN – calculated the value of economic damages on infrastructure for water supply, electricity generation, irrigation, federal highways and ports caused by river floods, landslides, meteorological droughts, forest fires and severe storms, in different scenarios of climate change. The average damage expected from climate change is around R$ 12 billion over the 30 years considered in the study . But these costs add to those already expected in the scenarios without climate change, resulting in total damages costs of R$ 540 billion in 30 years, or R$ 18 billion per year – about 0.25% of today’s national GDP. Recalling that only about 300 infrastructures in the country were considered and that the study horizon is 2040, when the impacts of climate change will still be major.