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IIS is now a member of the Climate Observatory

We are delighted to announce that we are now part of the Climate Observatory (OC, in Portuguese). The OC is a network of around 120 Brazilian civil society organisations, united to discuss and tackle the issue of climate change in the national context. 

The group operates through four main initiatives: 

  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals Estimation System (SEEG): A platform for monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Brazil, providing essential data since 1970 for climate decisions and actions. It is the primary GHG database in Latin America and one of the largest in the world. 
  1. Climate and Ocean Working Group (WG): This WG addresses the interdependence between climate and the oceans, focusing on topics such as oil and gas exploration and climate change adaptation. The goal is to produce information that supports political and practical actions. 
  1. Gender and Climate Working Group (WG): Integrating gender and climate agendas, recognising that climate change affects different social groups unequally. The group works on capacity building, technical production, and articulation to combat gender, racial, and class inequalities 
  1. A platform created to demystify environmental myths and verify statements about the environment, promoting reliable information. Its aim is to combine the rigour of investigative journalism with the most robust scientific evidence available. 

Our researchers Stella Manes and Bruna Pavani will represent us in the network. Participating in the OC is essential to strengthen our commitment to collaborative, evidence-based climate action. This partnership allows us to contribute to collective technical production and increases our influence on public policies. Additionally, it reinforces our proposal to integrate science, community knowledge, and pragmatic actions to effectively and inclusively address the climate crisis. 

By joining forces with other organisations, we expand our impact and promote the exchange of knowledge in favour of comprehensive and innovative solutions to tackle climate change. 

Learn more about the OC and its initiatives:

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