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Institute organizes workshop focused on rural development and environmental conservation

The International Institute for Sustainability held on 25th-26th March 2015, in Rio de Janeiro, the workshop “Sustainable Landscapes: Integrating rural development and environmental conservation.”

The meeting aimed to understand the constraints and opportunities related to land management, with a focus on sustainable landscapes and participation of leading experts from Brazil and other countries. Sustainable landscapes are those that seek to reconcile the social and environmental demands in a sustainable development vision.

The meeting brought together members of academia, government, research institutions and non-governmental organizations to discuss tools to integrate sustainable rural development and environmental conservation. It also raised the exchange of knowledge through the presentation of case studies.

According to Agnieszka Latawiec, Research Director of IIS, due to the success of the event and the need of more discussions on this topic, the workshop will be held annually, probably in March.

The workshop report, to be published soon, will bring a summary of the presentations and the most important conclusions of the meeting.