Publications > Article


Expertise on #23 – Integrated approach: better choices for restoring ecosystems

If well-planned, ecosystem restoration can address environmental and socioeconomic aspects simultaneously. The biodiversity crisis and other major challenges of the coming decades — climate change, land and water degradation, and the transition towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — are inextricably interconnected and can only be overcome with an integrated approach.

The Expertise on #23 – Integrated approach: better choices for restoring ecosystems paper is part of the EU´s Support´s “Towards Post-2021#” publication series. Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support is a project financed by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France, the French public international cooperation agency.It aims at facilitating the comprehensive and participatory process leading to the adoption of an ambitious Post-2020 global biodiversity framework, fostering commitment and implementation from all stakeholders.

In the video below, Bernardo Strassburg – IIS executive director and co-author – encapsulate the outline and the most prominent challenges and insights of the paper.

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