
TEEB São Paulo – Use and land use scenarios of Paraíba do Sul River Basin – Paulista Portion/SP

This report designed and compared three possible future scenarios of integrated land use in the Basin. The modelling of scenarios of future land use for the Basin was a step for the valuation of ecosystem services. The three designed scenarios were: 1) Business as Usual (BAU), in which future land use is based on the maintenance of trends that have occurred in recent years; 2) Legal Compliance (LC), in which zero deforestation is combined to the implementation of native vegetation recovery occurring inside rural properties that have environmental debts foreseen in NVPL; and 3) Sustainable Landscape Management (SLM), in which the implementation of sustainable practices in production inside rural properties with projected increase in areas of agriculture and zero deforestation is combined to the recovery of native vegetation foreseen in NVPL to supplement the environmental debt existing in rural properties.