About IIS > Internal collaborator

Mariana Iguatemy


Biologist (Unirio - 2004), master (Plant Biology - Unicamp) and doctor (Science, Technology and Innovation in Agriculture - Agrobiology UFRRJ), with sandwich period at the National University of Córdoba and the National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina. Has professional experience in public and private service working in coordination, consulting, research and teaching. Her research projects were developed with support from the Botanical Garden Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro and Embrapa Agrobiology / Organic Agriculture. She was a postdoctoral fellow with CNPQ at the Jardim Botânico Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro in the PPBio project and a postdoctoral fellow with Capes - Science without Borders Program - at the Museum of Natural Sciences / CSIC - Madrid. Has experience in the ecology and conservation area, working on the themes: Atlantic forest, fragmentation, ecological restoration, functional attributes, regeneration, edge effect, economy and structure of tree communities and permanent plots. Also participated on the elaboration and planning of public policies related to ecological restoration in the State of Rio de Janeiro.