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“Brazilian Biochar Training” adresses the biochar uses in Brazil and in the world

The International Institute for Sustainability (IIS) participated in the “Brazilian Biochar Training Course 2015” from 15th to 17th of June at Embrapa Agrossilvopastoril, in Sinop/MT. The meeting was attended by experts on biochar across the country, and included lectures by Stephen Joseph, professor at the University of New South Wales, Australia.

The Institute is conducting experiments with biochar in Fazenda Agroecológica of Embrapa Agrobiology, in Seropédica/RJ. “The exchange of experiences on biochar in biomes like Cerrado and Amazon was one of the strengths of the training”, said Livestock and Sustainable Development specialist of IIS, Márcio Rangel.

“The experiments of IIS are related to organic production to small farmers, which is an increment in relation to other uses with biochar in the country. We also discovered that there is no experiments with Brachiaria or species of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil”, says Agnieszka Latawiec, Research Director of IIS. The group analysed other biochar case studies in Africa, Asia, South America and Australia. The participants also visited the experiments of biochar at Embrapa Agrossilvopastoril.

The next steps of the training include a permanent forum and settle a regular agenda of meetings.