About IIS > External collaborator

Paulo Durval Branco

Associate reseacher

Paulo is MSc in Business Administration by the Catholic Pontific University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC Rio). He graduated in Business Administration, with a major in Information Systems also by the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC Rio). He teaches postgraduate courses in the areas of sustainability and business, including the Professional Master in Sustainability Science, at the Department of Geography and Environment, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), in partnership with CSRio, having most of his academic work in sustainability and business education published in Brazil and abroad.

He has been frequently invited as a speaker at various forums focused on sustainability and business. His experiences also extend to being an executive manager in areas such as organizational development and human resources management and a facilitator in programs of managerial development, working hand-on-hand with both the public and the private sector. He is deputy director of strategy of the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS), co-founder of Frontiers of Development Institute and co-founder of Ekobé, one of the first Brazilian consultancy firm specialized in corporate sustainability. Since 2003, Ekobé contributes to the integration of sustainability principles and practices into the strategy of many organizations, like Alcoa, ArcelorMittal, Santander Bank (former Banco Real), Febraban (The Brazilian Federation of Banks), Ethos Institute, Natura and Nokia. He was the vice director of Center for Sustainability Studies (FGVces) of the Business Administration School of Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV EAESP), where he led projects in sustainability strategy and management, stakeholders engagement, sustainable value chains, innovation and entrepreneurship, internationalization of companies, among others.

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